Your shifting sands problems can now be solved with minimum fuss and minimum cost. Zerosion™ means zero erosion from the moment it hits the sand or other loose material.
Zerosion™ is an environmentally friendly sand stabilizer that is easily applied by water cannon or spray.
Once Zerosion™ hits the sand that is the end of sand storm and migrating dunes. The treatment dries to leathery jacket which incorporates the sand and looks totally natural.
During rain Zerosion™ absorbs moisture and when the rain stops the Zerosion™ dries and hardens again. One simple application will last for months. Heavier applications will last far more than a year.
Areas which are damaged by accident or trespass are easily repaired. Beach stabilization can be achieved and dune erosion can easily be prevented or arrested by this product. Stockpile management becomes a breeze even in heavy weather. Dust storms from tailings dams are no longer a necessary part of the mining environment.
This amazing product is made from naturally occurring materials which are friendly to the environment and the most user friendly stabilizer that is possible.
Zerosion™ is a viscous brown liquid product that is delivered in 25, 200 and 1000 liter delivery units. Tanker delivery and application is also available. Zerosion™ is safe in our environment and safe to handle.
Zerosion™ consists of a complex blend of naturally occurring cellulose polymer products and waterproofing agents that are environmentally sensitive. Small amounts of preservatives are added to extend product shelf life. Zerosion's™ weather resistant characteristics improve with age.
Zerosion™ binds loose soil particles to form a bound stiff surface with limited flexibility. This surface is extremely resistant to wind abrasion and dust lift. With many surfaces dust lift is aggravated by the abrasive properties of wind which is already carrying sand. The material will become soft and pliable when wet but as it dries it becomes harder each time.
Durabilty of the treatment will depend on many factors but periods of up to eighteen months of stability from a 100mls per square metre treatment are predicted.
For the stabilization of coal or sand stockpiles Zerosion™ can be applied by water cannon or by fire hose. Cost is a major factor in dust suppression because most dust suppression requires frequent re-application.
Zerosion™ is a low cost product that can give lasting results from a little as 10 cents per square metre (based on an application rate of 100mls per m2).
Zerosion™ is safe to handle and safe for the environment. Zerosion™ is a natural product that has been kept as free from preservatives as possible. It has a shelf life of only one month and high temperatures should be avoided.