ROADSEAL™ is a non-bituminous water soluble sealant for unsealed roads, providing speedy low cost road surface maintenance.
Designed to meet the requirement for dust free, water resistant road surfaces ROADSEAL™ is applied by fan spray or dribble bar from a water tanker.
This gives Local Authorities, mines, plantations and other road managers the opportunity to control dust and improve weather resistance while using only a water tanker. It reduces or removes the necessity for dry grader maintenance.
Surfaces need to be firm and well prepared. They may be brushed or blown to reveal the bound surface. ROADSEAL™ is applied at dilutions of 1 part of product to 100 parts of water. The road surface should receive 20mls per square meter which may be applied as a single spray or several lighter coats.
The effect of the product is to seal the surface to increase water resistance and minimise fugitive dust.
Depending on frequency of traffic the surface may last weeks or months. Re-application at the same rate will continue to strengthen the seal.
ROADSEAL™ is not a silicon based product and roads that are sealed are not slippery when wet. The surface characteristics of the natural surface are not filled or smoothed by the application.
ROADSEAL™ is a preventative maintenance surface sealant and not a substitute for bitumen seals. It does allow for accumulation of road surface prior to road sealing. Bitumen coating over ROADSEAL™ requires a cationic emulsion coat as preparation for seal.
Below is a helipad that was constructed with Claycrete II™ and then treated with ROADSEAL™. This Erickson Skyrane helicopter is one of the largest in the world with a downforce so high that Erickson approves concrete, asphalt, and now Claycrete II™ treated pads in Australia. With ROADSEAL™ the loose debris is virtually zero.