Kalfoss™ is a stabilizer for lime seals, crushed limestone, calcrete and sand/limestone mixes. It improves the finish and strength of limestone materials and facilitates reduced pavement thickness.


Another benefit from the treatment which was largely unexpected has been a reduction in the levels of fugitive dust emissions from many of the materials. This reduction is long lasting.

Applied in a diluted form Kalfoss™ is blended with the pavement material and the mix is compacted while moist. Application can be made through dribble spray bar or by fan spray. Repeat applications during mixing procedures should be applied at a rate that does not result in "run-off".

Material is ready for compaction when the material forms a cohesive lump when grasped but should not be so wet that it sticks to the hand. If the treated material sticks to the roller, the roller should be withdrawn to allow the reaction to complete. As soon as the material no longer sticks to the roller it should be thoroughly compacted. Once compaction with the steel drum is completed the road may be sprayed again and rolled with a multi-tyred roller.

Kalfoss™ creates a tightly bound surface with high abrasion resistance and high weather resistance. Pavement CBR will be increased depending on depth of stabilization. The prepared surface is ideal for sealing.

Kalfoss™ is ideally applied in the same way as Claycrete™. A careful water bind and solid compaction will achieve the best results. We have also had success with spray on applications, they have a cumulative effect. A treated surface is ideal for sealing. Unsealed roads show high resistance to abrasion and weather.

Kalfoss™ is an aquamarine coloured liquid that disperses immediately in water. It can be pumped using metal or plastic pumps and will not harm cast iron or steel.

Kalfoss™ does not leach. The product causes a chemical reaction which is irreversible and lasts throughout the pavement life.


A typical untreated Calcrete or Limestone road.


Calcrete or Limestone after treatment showing well bound surface.